Gen 1

The PSCC-1 was the first generation of the PSCC to be tested. It used both GPS and air pressure sensors to determine it’s altitude. It was also equipped with a small LCD screen to aid in debugging, which had the unintended side effect of increasing its size. The PSCC-1 had significant accuracy issues, which contributed to the crash that destroyed it.

  • Time in service: May-September 2020
  • Tests performed: ~8
  • Processor: Arduino Mega 2560
  • Sensors: BMP388 barometric pressure sensor, MTK3339 GPS module
  • Other functions: Integrated data logging, LCD screen
  • Problems: issues with sensor accuracy, low crash resistance
  • Status: destroyed during testing

Gen 2

Built to replace the destroyed PSCC-2, the gen 2 uses an upgraded GPS module as well as other improvements to fix the previous generations shortcomings.

  • Time in service: January 2021-Present Day
  • Tests performed: 2
  • Processor: Arduino Mega 2560
  • Sensors: BNO055 IMU, ZED-F9P GPS module
  • Other functions: Integrated data logging, LED status lights, arm status indicator, strengthened enclosure.
  • Status: In development