Gen 1

The Gen 1 Parachute Test Payload (PTP-1) was the first payload to be drop tested during parachute system test 11, which confirmed the functioning of the parachute system. To reduce it’s cost and complexity as much as possible, it was not designed to be reusable and was only capable of performing a limited number of flights.

  • Active: June 2019
  • Tests performed: 1
  • Problems: low reusability and cargo space
  • Status: parts used to build gen 2

Gen 2

The Gen 2 Parachute Test Payload (PTP-2) was a retrofitted version of the PTP-1 with upgrades including a new drop system and expanded electronics storage. This retrofit sought to create a more flexible and reusable PTP for PSCC (Parachute System Control Computer) testing. The PTP-2 crashed during testing and was destroyed along with the PSCC it carried.

  • Active: March -September 2020
  • Tests performed: ~8
  • Problems: Insatiability in flight
  • Status: Destroyed during testing