Setbacks (Part 3)

Setbacks (Part 3)

Part 2 here. The new receiver and servo arrived, allowing us to continue our work on the parachute system for Project Redirect. After installing these parts, we were once more ready to test.  Our first test revealed new problems.  Even after the upgrade, the servo still had trouble releasing. Also, the new springs made the…

Setbacks (Part 2)

Setbacks (Part 2)

Part one here We decided to try the spring powered parachute system one last time before scrapping the idea. We wanted to know if the length of the springs effects the power of the parachute system. The “power” of springs is measured in rate(lb/in). Rate is how much force (in lbs) it takes to compress…



This week we returned to working on the parachute system. With the new receiver, we were able to set up the release servo motors. After some testing, we realized that the servos we originally planned to use did not fit our specifications. Fortunately, we were able to repurpose some other servos we had on hand….

Status update

Status update

We returned to working on Project Redirect two weeks ago. Unfortunately, the test payload receiver had to be replaced (more about this here.) At this time, we are still waiting to receive the replacement. Once it arrives, we will be able to continue preparing for our next flight. More updates will follow…

Preparing for Flight

Preparing for Flight

Our original plan was to perform our first drop test of the parachute system on the 20th of December.  The three failures of the parachute system print jobs (more about this here) used up much of our time, but we still had one more week before this deadline. To achieve this goal, we had many…

Parachutes (Part 2)

Parachutes (Part 2)

Part 1 here. Last week we continued work on the parachute system.  This is one of the more important systems of the test payload and when completed will bring us much closer to our flight. Our plan was to upgrade the springs and perform more tests in an attempt to increase the power.  However, after…



During the past few weeks we have been working on the camera system, one of the many components of the test payload.  Originally, we planned to have the camera software completed by October 20th.  Unfortunately, we repeatedly ran into errors and bugs, some of these were resolved in a few minutes, while others took days…

Parachutes (Part 1)

Parachutes (Part 1)

Over the last week, we have have been working on the parachute system.  Our current parachute deployment system is spring powered as opposed to a CO2 or pyrotechnic system.  The main benefit of a spring launched parachute is that it is reusable.  This is especially useful for the test payload which will fly multiple times. …

Onward and upwards

Onward and upwards

This week, we have been working on the test payload.  So far, we have finalized the design for the main body, copied it to foam board and cut it out.  The interior of the first generation test payload was not very flexible or accessible.  Seeking to fix both problems, we decided to implement a test…